Feng Shui translates as wind water. In its simplest definition, it’s understanding your environment and how best to harmonize with it.  In Asia, Feng Shui is used to change or improve one’s luck.  By adjusting the environment, you can influence different aspects of life including wealth, health, career, relationship, children, etc… True Feng Shui is independent from any religious views yet it recognizes the spiritual connection and dimension.  

This site was created for people who want to approach a Feng Shui expert but do not know how. Often, people think of Feng Shui as arranging furniture or zen interior designing. This is only the surface level. On a basic level, a place should feel right, but on a higher level, it enhances good energy and/or decreases negative energy. Good questions to have in mind:

  • What Feng Shui can or cannot do?
  • How Feng Shui is used to make changes to my life?
  • Why do you need an experienced and knowledgeable practitioner?
  • When and where Feng Shui can be applied?

Generally, a practitioner makes an analysis of the client’s situation and environment, and then advises what needs to be changed. When proper action is done at the right place at the right time, a coincidental synchronization happens. A magical moment happens! If one can accept and make inner changes, the universe responds in kind. Open yourself to the mysteries of the universe.